History of Astrology

The roots of astrology permeate deep into the ancient civilizations of world history. Relative to what we know today, little is known of the origins of astrology. Modern astrology has had many stages of evolution stemming from ancient Babylonian culture, the Egyptian mystery systems, later evolving into the Greco-Roman systems we are familiar with.

The Sumerians, who settled in Mesopotamia around 4000 BC, mark the first example of a people who worshipped the sun, moon, and Venus. These ancient peoples knew of the connection between life on earth and the role the heavenly bodies played in that delicate balance.

The Babylonian priests correctly documented Venus’s appearances and disappearances and because of this erratic behavior (due to the fact that Venus revolves around the sun backwards) Venus became associated with love and war. Somewhere around 1300 BC, the precursors of the individual birth horoscopes were formulated.

The names given to these planets as well as the sun and moon were eventually replaced by the Greek names, then the Roman names, and eventually the English names we use today.  We can accredit the Greeks for incorporating their own mythology into astrology.  Up to this point, the same gods existed, just under different names and personalities.

Almost nothing is known about Claudius Ptolemy. It is known that he was not Greek and was not even a Ptolemy (that is, he was not related to the Ptolemaic rulers). He was an Egyptian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer who lived in the vicinity of Alexandria. Bits and pieces of information from his writings and from comments from his contemporaries are the only sources of information about Ptolemys life. He was born in Upper Egypt, and some say that he was the head librarian at the museum or library at Alexandria.

Why Black astrology?

This site attempts to reunite and re-equip black people with the tools of our ancestors. I say “reunite” because we have since lost touch with that which connects us all to the earth, sun, moon, and stars.

Throughout history, the contributions of black and brown peoples have been systematically written out of history, being deemed as irrelevant or “prehistoric” implying that any contributions are of no great importance to modern society. 

It is not my intention to dispel all the inaccuracies of history but more so to present my love for Astrology in a way that reflects my love for my people.

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